1 |
कर्मचारी सेवा शर्त विनियमावली, २०७५ (पहिलो संशोधन, २०८०)
2 |
कर्मचारी सेवा शर्त विनियमावली २०७५
3 |
धितोपत्र केन्द्रीय निक्षेप सेवा (सातौं संशोधन) विनियमावली, २०८०
4 |
एपिआई कार्यसञ्चालन निर्देशिका, २०८०
5 |
धितोपत्र कारोवार राफसाफ तथा फछ्र्यौट विनियमावली, २०६९ (पाँचौं संशोधन सहित )
6 |
धितोपत्र केन्द्रिय निक्षेप सेवा विनियमावली ,२०६८ (छैठौ संशोधन सहित )
7 |
CNS Karyabidhi 2077
8 |
Securities Transaction Clearing and Settlement Byelaws Fifth Ammendment 2077
9 |
Centralized Digital KYC Operation Directive 2077
10 |
Securities Transaction Clearing and Settlement Byelaws Fourth Ammendment 2077
11 |
Securities Transaction Clearing and Settlement Byelaws Third Ammendment 2073
12 |
Securities Transaction Clearing and Settlement Byelaws Second Ammendment 2073
13 |
CDSC Byelaws Sixth Ammendment 2077 (Nepali)
14 |
CDSC Byelaws Fifth Ammendment 2076 (Nepali)
15 |
CDSC Byelaws Fourth Ammendment 2075 (Nepali)
16 |
Family Transfer Procedures 2075
17 |
CDSC Byelaws Third Ammendment 2075
18 |
Mode of operation for EDIS
19 |
Securities Act 2063
20 |
Mode of operations related to physical securities settlement 2071
21 |
Mode of operation for demat
22 |
CNS Byelaws 2069 3rd Revise 2073(Revised Byelaws)
23 |
CDS Service Regulation (English)
24 |
CDS Byelaws 2068 2nd Revise 2073 (Revised Byelaws)
25 |
CASBA Directive 2074